Abraham Bridges
Nov 17, 2020


From Victim

From victim is where the spiritual journey begins. Where it ends is not the point. In changing my thinking to from, I am changing the whole point of the journey. Spirituality is an inside awakening. It is a process not an event. From victim means; that I am no longer a victim. I can not experience the spiritual from that mentally. I can go from victim to freedom. I can go to responsible. I can go to acceptance. The truly spiritual is a verb not a noun.

In going from I am divorced from any destination. Years ago when my mentor asked me “what part of your track record proves you know what is best fore you?” I had no real answer for her. Years later I still have no real answer for her or anyone else. What I have been given is a working knowledge of what God’s will is clearly not. On that foundation I am free too chose from what I want.

